Registration for the 2024/2025 season is now CLOSED
The 2024/2025 season runs from September 30th to March 5th.
If you have a new skater, you will need to register them in CanSkate A.
CanSkate A is a beginner program for skaters aged 4+ who have never had lessons before or who have not earned their level 2 CanSkate badge.
CanSkate B is a learn to skate program for skaters aged 4+ that teaches basic skills for figure skating, hockey or ringette. Lessons focus on the ABCs - agility, balance and control.
StarSkate is a figure skating program that teaches skaters ice dance, skills, free skate and interpretive skating. CanSkate is a prerequisite for StarSkate.
All lessons are held on Mondays and Wednesdays at the YMCA.
CanSkate A - 5:00 - 5:30 PM
CanSkate B - 5:30 - 6:15 PM
Junior StarSkate - 6:15 - 7:15 PM
Intermediate and Senior StarSkate - 7:25 - 8:50 PM
Important Information
Our club is volunteer run. We are dedicated to the sport of skating and the success of our club. We encourage you to learn about the sport, recognize your child's progress and cheer on your child!
Our certified Skate Canada coaches are trained to teach and assess skill development with opportunities to grow at every level. Check out to learn more about the standards.
CanSkaters, up to and including level 5, must wear a snug-fitting CSA approved hockey helmet while on the ice.
For StarSkaters, all lessons are included in the registration fee (extra billing only for choreography, solo music preparation, tests, partnering and competitions).
If a skater progresses from CanSkate to StarSkate during the season, increased fees will be prorated based on weeks skated.
Payment can be made by e-transfer to Please contact our treasurer if you wish to pay by cash or cheque.
Please stay informed of club events. Keep up to date through emails, our website, Facebook and posters on our boards at the ice surface.
Looking for new to you skating items? Or do you have items your skaters have outgrown? Visit our Buy and Sell Facebook page!
We're pleased to announce that the Goderich Skating Club has achieved the "Exceeded Standard in the Skate Ontario CanSkate Excellence Recognition Program."
2024/2025 Handbook
Handbook 2024-25
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